“SUL” Cook Kit

I know that I do a considerable amount of postings about cooking/kitchen set’s, or even just the individual components, but let’s face it…each trip can call for different needs… However, I will also admit, I really enjoy playing with different set-ups, and mix-and-matching different pieces to see what I come up with. So, while there are a couple of systems that I really like, I can’t say that there will ever be just one…

(Despite what I say…)  🙂

Saying this, in preparing for me and my buddies first “SUL” long distance hike, I really looked hard at the gear that is going in my pack. I have been in the “UL” range for a little while so I am already quite used to evaluating what goes in (and what does not), but when it comes to everything weighing less than 5 lbs, well, it took a little more looking…

For this trip, I decided on Esbit simply because I feel that it is a lightweight, reliable and “safe” fuel to work with. As well, the cook kit that I have decided to use is actually my previous “UL Cook Kit” that I have posted about, so I already had a system to work with/from. However, I needed to work with it a little bit more to make it better in a couple of ways. Some things that I wanted out of this revised system are:

  1. Lighter weight
  2. More stable
  3. Efficient
  4. Packable/Compact

My biggest issue with the previous UL Cook Kit was that it was not as stable as I liked. The legs on the titanium Esbit wing stove were spaced out to the point that my Heine pot would rest in between them, but just so. So, it worked, but I felt that it could be better. So, I decided to go back to my DIY hardware cloth pot stands. I could make these so that they fit inside the indention under the Heine pot, and resulted in a more stable/secure set-up.

However, I really liked the stove part of the Esbit wing stove, particularly the results that I got when using it. But, I had to come up with something that would work with my DIY hardware cloth pot stand. So, after a bit of trial and error, I finally settled on a simple tray that mimicked the tray on the Esbit wing stove made from some titanium foil I recently got from Ti Goat.

Another thing that I changed was my windscreen. I had previously used a DIY aluminum windscreen and with paper clips to secure the 2 ends together. But I will admit, I have been drooling over the titanium windscreens that Suluk 46 sells, and finally laid down the $$ to get one to call my own! However, I will also admit, by adding this windscreen in with the rest of the system, it changed the way the entire system worked, which took a little more time for me to figure it all out…

Suluk 46 Titanium Windscreen (Small)

Simply put, the Suluk 46 windscreen only has air holes in one side of the windscreen (I could easily change this with a simple hole punch, but I’m sure that Steve makes them this way for a reason so I wanted to try to figure it out instead). Up to this point I have been using windscreens with air holes all the way around. So, what’s the difference?

From what I can tell:

  • The side without holes can be turned into the wind and help block wind. This is definitely a plus when using alcohol or Esbit as a fuel source since these fuels are so susceptible to wind.
  • Fewer holes = less air intake. This really puts the pressure on making sure that the distance between the fuel and the bottom of the pot is where it needs to be. Too close and the flame is smothered; too far away and the flame/heat is wasted.
  • With holes on one side only, this creates a different air-flow pattern. The air obviously comes in at the bottom on the side with the holes, but then appears to flow up and out the top on the side without the holes. Because of this, it looks like more heat/flame is focused on the side without the holes (which is also evidenced by more discoloration on the windscreen on the side without the holes). Due to this, I imagine that the distance between the sides of the cook pot and the windscreen will also play an important role in fuel efficiency…although I am still messing around with this…

Because of the above mentioned points, it took me a few different tries using different stoves/methods of burning the Esbit with this windscreen and still getting results I liked. Long story short, this is where I finally came to making the above mentioned DIY titanium tray stove that mimicked the Esbit wing stove. (It is amazing at how just the tiny, 3/16″ tall walls around the edges of the Esbit tablet will make such a difference, but it did.) However, this small stove seems to be the most efficient when used with the rest of the system, so it is a keeper!

DIY Titanium Stove w/ Tyvek Sleeve

I also decided to take advantage of the many Tyvek envelopes I have laying all around the house. Since everything is stored inside my cook pot (remember: packable/compact), I wanted a way to keep the inside clean as well as protected from the contents. To do this, I made a simple sleeve to keep the stove in which keeps the residual from the Esbit tablet inside the stove from getting on the inside of my cook pot. I also made a simple sleeve for the DIY hardware cloth pot stand which helps keep the sharp edges from damaging the inside of the beer can pot.

It is quite easy to stop right here, but there is more to a cook kit…

All that I discussed above will do fine for boiling my water, and quite honestly, even serving as a vessel to eat from (which I will do on this trip). But there is actually more to a cook kit. Included in my cook kit, in addition to the above items, I also have an 8 oz Ziploc bowl/cup, a disposable spoon, 1/2 of a Lightload towel (which serves as a towel, pot grabber & holder) and a mini Bic lighter (I would rather a lighter to use with Esbit than a match).

(All of these items can be seen in the first photo in this post.)

At first I was a little skeptical about the Ziploc bowl/cup in terms of only being 8 oz in volume. However, I have used it a number of times here at home to see if it would be ok to use in the manner in which I plan to use it in (which is really on drinking hot drinks) and I have deemed it worthy! Don’t get me wrong, it would be nice to have a little bit bigger cup, but this one seems to work well in a few different ways.

    1. It fits perfectly over the top of my Heine pot and provides more overall protection & durability to the entire system.
    2. It is light weight.
    3. It is plenty durable.
    4. Since I am not adding milk to my hot cocoa, the smaller volume makes my cocoa more creamy! 🙂

So, as far as I am concerned, the 8 oz Ziploc bowl/cup works well in a number of ways, and has made its place as my cup on this upcoming trip! (And maybe more…who knows…)

Concerning the spoon, I am a little disheartened that I am leaving behind my long handle REI Campware Ti spoon, but as I mentioned already, I have to really think about what I am putting in my pack for this trip. And the truth is, the long handle REI spoon is overkill for these needs. The disposable spoon I will carry instead is way lighter and will work just as well. The downside is that it is not as durable, however, as I just realized, the disposable spoon will easily fit inside my cook pot with everything else, so it is very well protected. Thus, durability is less of an issue now, and overall, the disposable spoon wins out…

The last individual item I want to briefly discuss is my LightLoad towel. These towels are not very durable in my experience, but considering the “light load” that I require of it when using with this cook kit, it works beautifully!

First off, I use the towel to wrap around the pot stand (which is also wrapped in the Tyvek sleeve) when transporting the system. This keeps the pot stand from bouncing around inside the cook pot, as well as helping to protect the inside of the cook pot from the pot stand. As well, I use a folded corner of the towel as a pot grabber when pulling the pot off the pot stand when the water comes to a boil. I can also double the towel over and wrap it around the cook pot to form a pot holder which insulates my hand from the hot cook pot. And last, I use the towel to wipe the pot dry after using.

So, I feel like the half piece of Lightload towel that I carry is a very useful piece of gear (although I know that I can use my socks to grab the pot too…but it just isn’t the same after hiking in the sock for 3 days…  🙂 )

So, concerning my list of wants from this revised cook kit which I listed at the top of this post, I feel like I have definitely made the system more stable when in use, and after lots of experimentation, I have finally gotten the efficiency I wanted with these given pieces. And as far as the entire systems ability to pack together…

Left: The entire kit all packed up; Right: Everything easily fits inside the cook pot, even fuel!

And last, but definitely not least…weight…

I will admit, when I posted my previous “UL Cook Kit” I did not list all the “extras” in the final weight. So, to compare apples to apples, and realize how much weight I dropped off of my original system, I will first list the core components of the original cook system to compare:

  • Heine Cook Pot With Lid: 1 oz
  • Ti Folding Esbit Stove: 0.5 oz
  • Windscreen with Paperclip: 0.6 oz
  • ZPacks CF Stuff Sack: 0.1 oz

This is a total of 2.2 oz for the core components. Here is a list of the revised components:

  • Heine Cook Pot w/ Aluminum Foil Lid: 1 oz
  • DIY Hardware Cloth Pot Stand w/ Tyvek Sleeve: 0.2 oz
  • DIY Ti Stove w/ Tyvek Sleeve: 0.05 oz
  • Suluk 46 Small Ti Windscreen: 0.4 oz
  • ZPacks CF Stuff Sack: 0.1 oz

This is a total of 1.75 oz, which gives me a net weight savings of 0.45 oz from the original set of core components! (Ok, so it’s not even half an oz…but the point is, it is less weight.) As well, some of it is still DIY, which makes it even more awesome!

But, this is not everything. As I already mentioned, there is more to a cook kit than just these core components… So, here is the rest of the kit and their weights:

  • 8 oz Ziploc Bowl/Cup: 0.35 oz
  • Disposable Spoon: 0.15 oz
  • Heat Reflector/Ground Protector: 0.05 oz
  • Mini Bic: 0.4 oz
  • 1/2 LightLoad Towel: 0.2 oz

This is a total of 1.15 oz in “extras” and while they are all not needed (particularly the cup), I feel like they are quite necessary to complete the entire cook kit as a whole. So, when I add the total weight from the core components to the weight of the extras, I come up with a total cook kit weight of 2.9 oz!

I can live with this, I am very happy with this, even in an “SUL” base pack weight

Overall, I am very happy with this system. I am not saying that it still cannot be improved upon, or that I will keep this system forever, but at the moment I am happy with it. I feel like this kit meets all of my requirements, and does so well. As I already mentioned, it is definitely more stable than previously, and as is proven by numbers, it is lighter. As well, considering everything fits inside the cook pot, or flush against the outside, it is very packable & compact.

As far as efficiency, I feel like it is performing the same as it did when using the commercially manufactured Esbit Wing Stove. Saying this, I feel like I can consider this system to be efficient. However, as I noted when talking about the windscreen design above, I will continue to tinker around with it and see if I can witness different results. However, this system can vary so much just due to the surrounding conditions, I feel like it will be hard to come up with cold hard facts. All I can say at this point is that it works as well as I want and expect it too.

So, enough with the reading, and the limited visualization of plain ole’ photography…how about some video…

As well, at 2kargarage1‘s request, here is a video I just did that shows the cook system in use…

Thanks for your time!


YMMV/HYOH:  What makes this cook kit “SUL”? Well, I don’t know… What I can say is that I called my previous post a “UL” Cook Kit simply because at that time, my base pack weight (BPW) when using that system fell in the “UL” range. Now though, I am using this revised cook kit with a “SUL” base pack weight. So, between this and the need for me to give this post a name, I called it a “SUL” cook kit, and for no other reason. I completely understand that everyone’s idea of “SUL” when it comes to cook kit’s will vary, but at the moment, this is mine. As far as I am concerned though, there is no set rules on what is and what isn’t a “SUL” cook kit, just as long as it works for you and still allows your base pack weight to fall under 5 lbs.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

About Stick

My blog is essentially a record of my hiking career. Through it, I, and others, can see how I have evolved from a heavy weight backpacker, to a smarter, more efficient, lightweight backpacker. Through the use of video, still photos, and of course writing, one can see my progression, as well as check out some of the places I hike, and not to mention some cool, lightweight gear options. For me, my blog is a journal, but for others, I hope that it is an interactive learning tool to aid them in their own progression towards lightweight backpacking.
This entry was posted in Cook Kits, Cups/Mugs, DIY/MYOG, Dry Bags/Stuff Sacks/ Pack Liners, Gear, Gear Reviews, Gear Stores, Pack Towels, Spoons, Stoves and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

24 Responses to “SUL” Cook Kit

  1. Gottagamble says:

    hey Stick…how about this? 2 cups of water to boil 2 seperate times from 1 single esbit tab…split the tab in half and with that new setup you made you can possibly snap some tiny tiny tiny twigs in the little “cage” with the 1/2 esbit tab?? …..


    • Stick says:

      I actually bought some of the 4g Esbit tablets a little while back, which should give me better control over how much Esbit to use for a particular situation, however, cutting the tablets would also work since they are scored. I figure that some would be lost though when cutting since I don’t think that they will cut away clean. As far as getting half a tab to boil 2 cups of water, that sounds like something I will have to try sometime. As far as loading my pot stand with wood, I don’t think that this would help much since the sticks would burn up pretty quickly. If I were going to do that I would probably just go with a wood fire. Speaking of this though, Jon from Flat Cat Gear is tinkering with a “Crossover Burn” which is similar to what you are explaining, but instead of using Esbit, he is using alcohol…



  2. Marcovee says:

    Awesome. Can you post your SUL gearlist?


  3. hexclimber says:

    Esbit stinks…


  4. Dale says:

    I switched to a Esbit/keg cook system similar to yours (the UL cook system) a couple of years ago. My wind screen was made from flashing ala caldera cone design, that gripped the Heineken can just below the upper raised collar. So it functioned as the pot stand also. I did have a couple of occasions when the fuel tab blew out while cooking so made a new windscreen with lower air vents along one 60 degree section rather than a full 360 degrees.
    Like you, I really like the 1 tab/day convenience and weight reduction over alcohol. Great read, thanks.


    • Stick says:


      Wow, so the wind blew the tablet out even inside the windscreen?

      The 1 tablet/day sure does make it nice and easy though, not to mention light weight. I like that! 🙂

      Thanks for stopping and commenting!



  5. John C says:

    Hi Stick,

    I think titanium is a much better material for a windscreen than aluminum. Since the failure reports, I am nervous about using my JetBoil Sol Ti, so I have gone back to my Caldera Cone Sidewinder, which has a titanium windscreen. I kept the windscreen rolled up inside a .9L pot for about 9 months while I was using the JetBoil and I was a little apprehensive about unrolling it for the first time. I thought would have a memory effect and not unroll to a circle as was my experience with aluminum windscreens. To my surprise the titanium Sidewinder windscreen popped out to a perfect circle even after being stored rolled up for 9 months. There is very little memory effect with titanium windscreens, at least the one I have, which is nice on the trail, as it eliminates fiddling around trying to form the windscreen into a circle.

    Anyway, good luck on your backpack, and keep up the good work with your blog.


    • Stick says:


      I agree with you. Ti does not have near the memory effect that aluminum has. Although, I will admit that I found out that if I store my Suluk 46 Ti windscreen inside my cook pot, it will come out in an oval rather than a circle. Of course though, this windscreen is welded/tacked at its edges so it is more so folded rather than rolled when stored. (Although, I have found if I fold it at the seam, it will be more rounded when deployed instead of oval shaped.)

      Also, I think that it matters that the ti foil that the Suluk 46 windscreen is made from is thinner from the ti foil that the Trail Designs cones as well as the ti foil that can be bought from Ti Goat is. The stuff from Ti Goat is 0.005 thick, and feels similar to the ti used for the Sidewinder, whereas the ti foil that the Suluk 46 windscreen is made from feels a bit thinner, so I am guessing it is 0.003 thick. (Of course, these are just guesses though…)

      Regardless, I do like my ti windscreens…I think better than my aluminum ones… 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!



  6. LukaBrazi says:

    I really like the esbit stove that you made. I have been thinking about trying the one that Brian Green made but wasn’t sure because it seemed to have some mixed results. Someone recently recomended simply using the bottom of a red bull can. They said that the esbit fit perfectly in the indentation. Currently drinking a red bull…

    Were there any other contenders for the Suluk ti windscreen? I can’t think of anyone else that makes them short of buying some ti-goat foil and trying it out myself. Do you feel that the holes on one side as opposed to all the way around hurt your overall efficiency? Does it pull the heat away from the center of your pot?


    • Stick says:


      Are you talking about the one that Brian has that resembles the Gram Cracker stove?

      I would say that the bottom of a Red Bull can should work ok…only one way to find out though… I will say though that I found about 1.5″ between the bottom of the cook pot and the fuel seems to be the best distance between the two that I have found. Any closer and it smothers the flame a little too much, and more and it is losing the heat.

      As far as I know, Suluk is the only one that makes windscreens like this. I will say that it would be simple to order some of the foil from Ti Goat (although I believe it is out of stock at this time) and making your own. The stuff from Ti Goat is 0.005 thick and the stuff from Suluk 46 is a little thinner. Maybe 0.003, but not 100% sure on that. The stuff from Ti Goat is definitely thicker, although, for these applications, I don’t think that either is a bad idea. If you are planning to skewer some tent stakes through it and use it as a pot stand too, the thicker Ti may be a better choice, but I cannot say for sure. I will say though that I like both thicknesses… 🙂

      Saying that, I wouldn’t mind trying a piece of carbon felt as a windscreen, but haven’t gotten any…

      Yes, I do feel like the holes on one side pulls the heat away from the center a little, at least in calm conditions. The side of the windscreen that does not have holes definitely gets hotter than the side with the holes (this can be seen by the discoloration of the windscreen in one of my above pics). I believe that the air flows in one side and out the other. I have been playing with this by trying to move the side without the holes closer to the pot, but TBH, I cannot tell much difference either way. All I can say is that it works and does what I want it to do, which is too boil 2.5 cups of water… 🙂

      Hope this helps!



  7. Very cool! Temps was a factor in my hike. A cold front came in and stayed for 4 days which caused me to go through more fuel than expected(temps dropped to low 50s to mid 40s at night in June). Luckily my zero day in town allowed me to get some heet to replenish. Looking forward on your trip report.


    • Stick says:


      Hey, you made it back! I am looking forward to hearing all about your hike…I know you gotta have some videos… 🙂

      For our hike, I’m expecting night temps low 50’s to high 40’s. I will be carrying 3 (maybe 4) Esbits on this trip, and so far all of my testing shows that I can easily get 2.5 cups of water to boil on one, with a little additional boil time. As long as I can get this at night, I am good since I am doing as you did and going with cold breakfast each morning.

      Anyway… looking forward to your TR man!



    • Videos will start tomorrow. I have the rest of the week off. On the train back home. Got my trail legs day 4 and increased my mileage. Today I broke 21 miles and was able to make it home 2 days earlier.

      Some equipment shined while others showed failure. Full gear report in a couple of weeks.

      And I was almost mauled by a grouse today lol

      Hope you have a blast on your trip!


    • Stick says:

      Just got home and checking everything on the net…it looks like you have a video up so I will go check it out! I will be interested in hearing about what gear failed and how so. As well…I am looking forward to your stories of almost being mailed by a grouse! ……. 🙂


  8. Andy Amick says:

    Very nice kit that you’ve put together. Do you have any issues with the odor of the Esbit tabs getting into the pot? May not be an issue since they are all sealed and you’re using a full tab at a time.

    Also like the 1/2 towel you’re using. It definitely helps to grab the hot pot and it’s also good for storing everything because you can use the towel to help keep items from rattling around.


    • Stick says:

      Thanks Andy!

      There is definitely a smell associated with Esbit. However, I do not plan on storing them in a plastic bag in my cook kit. It has not been a problem for me so far, especially when still packaged. The cuben fiber stuff sack does a pretty good job at containing the smell, so the rest of my pack/gear does not have that distinct smell!

      As far as the towel is concerned, I was not a huge fan of them when I first tried them, simply because I find them to be inadequate for heavy use items (such as bathing or wiping a tent down). However, I have ended up liking them a lot to use as I am with my kitchen set-up. As well, I carry the other half in a pocket and use it as a general wiping my face towel during the hike. After wetting them down the first time, they get quite soft so it is gentle on the skin. And as inexpensive as they are, I can throw one away after a few trips with one and not feel bad.

      Thanks for stopping and commenting!



  9. I like how you show your criteria for a cooking system that works for you.
    In your video, in particular, you want 2.5 cups of water. Everything else is mentioned in the Blog.
    Most people take what is available in the store that doesn’t really work well for them.
    The fact you show your thinking it through is particularly helpful. People need to do that.
    My UL and SUL are different: I put emphasis on different aspects of the cooking system. At least, I am looking for what works for me.


    • Stick says:

      Thanks Connie. I agree, I think that a lot of people (such as newer backpackers, myself included) just went with what was commercially available, which is basically a “one-size-fits-all” kind of thing. Of course though, we all know, one size does not fit all, but until we each figure out what it is we want, then I think it does a fine job.

      I do like to try and think through what it is that I want, and I try to convey that in my post. One reason, so that others can either learn from my experience, or others can teach me through theirs. However, I really like to try and express that this is what “I” want, or what works for “me.” I understand, and am fine with the fact that what works for me may not for the next and vice-versa. This is where the while HYOH and YMMV thing comes into play… (for some anyways)

      Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting!



  10. Hey Stick, nice to see you have implemented a lot of what you and I have been discussing over the last few months into your new cook kit. I am sure it will work out very well for you.

    I will go ahead and release the article I put together on mine a few months back (before we started yapping about this setup), which as you know is pretty much identical to the one you have got now. Only difference is that I am using a slightly smaller stand, and a slightly different pot, and of course a different spoon.

    I like the little Ti esbit stove holder you finally put together. Looks like it is keeping the esbit run off contained very well. Nice job!


    • Stick says:


      It is funny because I had good luck with simply burning the Esbit directly on the heat reflector when I was using my older windscreen like you told me about. But the results were way different for me when I did the same, but with the Suluk 46 windscreen. The only thing I could chalk it up to was the different air intake and flow due to the air holes and maybe size of the Suluk 46 windscreen. This must of had an affect on how the Esbit tablet burned. So, I sat down again and scratched my head…

      As you know, I had some extra pieces of ti foil lying around, and it hit me to just try and mimic the tray that was on the Esbit wing stove. I figured since I was getting longer boil times and faster burn out times, it had to be getting too much air…somehow. So, rather than alter the windscreen, I decided to try this first, and it worked pretty well.

      Anyway, I will look forward to checking out your article! Heck, it was you and your UL stove/cook kit videos that really got this going for me… “:)

      Are you still using your small ti mug/cook pot, or that flat bottom Foster’s pot from Zelph? I am planning to use alcohol with my MLD 475 mug and have been playing with that some…but have some more figuring to do on it… And to be honest, I am curious to see this pot that Jhaura from Lite Trail is coming up with… 🙂

      As for the spoon, I actually planned to use an REI Campware spoon. It is a nice spoon IMO, but at 0.4 oz, it is a bit heavier. Also, since I am going to be eating from the Heine can on this trip (Ramen Noodles though, so nothing real messy) the REI spoon was a bit big for this. The disposable spoon is considerably lighter weight and the size is more appropriate. Of course it is not as durable as the REI spoon, but it will fit inside the cook pot, so I feel like it is well protected.

      And yea, so far the stove does a good job at containing the Esbit run-off. I just wonder how it does in the long run with build up. I will have to scrape it out with my knife on occasion…although, I also feel like it will only go so far as the flames will keep it in check up to a point… just a theory so far though..

      Anyway, thanks for stopping by and commenting! Appreciate it.



    • John Abela says:

      Hey Stick,

      I have never actually tried to compare boil speed times with and without using the Suluk46 Ti Windscreen. I suppose my one specific question on this would be, not so much boil times but rather whether or not you can get two uses out of a single esbit tablet. That to me is the holy grail so-to-speak of finding a perfect esbit cooking setup. That is, being able to use a single esbit tablet per day (once in the morning and the rest at night). I had one setup at one point that I was able to do that, but I stupidly forgot what it was (way back when I started hiking) and no matter what I can just not get one esbit table to boil 2 cups of water with a half an esbit tablet. I usually end up with about 10% of it remaining, which is sort of worthless to reuse at that point, so I just end up using the remaining tablet to boil up a bit more water to top off any tea or coffee after I have drank some.

      If that little esbit dish ends up working out for you I will have to try to talk you into making one for me 😉

      Yes, I am using the Zelph 2 Cup Flat Bottom pot ( http://www.woodgaz-stove.com/foster-2-cup-flat-bottom.php ) which is 29.76 grams without the lid. I have bought two of them so far and they have proven to be pretty durable. I keep the second one just encase he decides to stop making them. I will probably by two or three more of them as I get the spare money. I really like them and it has proven to be just about the perfect size.

      I have sort of given up on the 300 and 400ml Ti pots. As you well documented in your blog about the MLD one, they are just too heavy for the amount of water that they hold. The fact that I can have a pot that holds twice as much at half the weight, and still have a pot that is durable enough for thousands of miles (granted you and I take exceptional care of our gear) is just good enough for me to stop using those Ti cups/pots.

      You should really check out the “Sea To Summit AlphaLight Spoon”. It is the lightest thing out that you can buy and its freaking dirt cheap compared to the other ones. It is all I have used for years. Until I had my custom spoon made (pretty sure I sent you photos of it) it was the lightest thing I could find that had any durability to it. My custom spoon is 5.5 grams but that StS AL spoon is 7.5 grams and that is amazingly impressive.

      The best way to deal with esbit goo is to apply a few drops of Dr. B’s to your pot and ground protection before each use. Just a couple of drops of that, smear it around, than light up the esbit and cook, than you can really easily get about 98% of the esbit goo off of your pot and ground piece. File this tip under the “Yet Another Use For Dr. B’s” 😉

      I just got back from a 5 day trip and should have some (very crappy) video up on it tonight or tomorrow. There will be a sort blurp in there where I showed my gear kit.

      Anyway, look forward to hearing how your hike goes!!


    • Stick says:


      Yes, I agree, that would be nice to get 2 boils with 2 cups of water from 1 tablet. I know that with my wing stove, I was able to boil 2 cups, pour off one for coffee or what not and add back in 1 more cup of cold water and bring those 2 cups to a boil again just before the tablet would flicker out. I have not tried to do this exact thing with this set-up, but instead, I just fill the Heine pot with 2.5 cups of water right off the bat as this is all that I really need. Also, this way I can get the stove going and then go on about setting up camp/bed for the night. By the time I am done, the water will have come to a boil and the Esbit should be out or almost out. Also, for this trip, I am only carrying 1 Esbit per day since I will only be cooking at night. The rest of the day will be cold food or bars. This way, the 1 Esbit will be plenty for what I need for a single day.

      I have seen those spoons, but never picked one up. I will keep them in mind for one of those orders that I need to add just a few more dollars to get free shipping…

      As far as cleaning off the Esbit, I am not too worried if I don’t get it all off since I can keep it contained in its own stuff sack. I have found that most of it will come off just by wiping it through a grassy area. Then a little sand will take card of the tacky feeling. Then at home I can just run it under the faucet and rub most of it off with a towel. But I will keep the DR B tip in mind too! Thanks.

      Anyway, I look forward to your videos and your write up on your cook kit!



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