Ti-Eye & Corkscrew Titanium Stakes by Mountainfitter.com

While just doing my usual tonight and browsing through gear forums, stores, blogs and whatever else I can find, I came across an interesting post while at Hammock Forums. Lawson Kline, a member of the forums which runs a company called Mountainfitter.com is offering two new stakes in the next few days. One is called the Ti-Eye and the other is called a Corkscrew. Both are made of titanium so they are light weight and strong, as well as feature a highly visible orange coating on the top of the stakes (as seen in the pictures above). But I will let the owners words speak for themselves…

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know of two upcoming products I am going to start manufacturing. Both products have been in testing for months and they both work great.

The Corkscrew is a 6″ long Titanium corkscrew tent stake built using a piece of 1.95mm 6Al-4V with a weight of 3.0 grams. It is designed for soft-medium soil. Its corkscrew design is like nothing currently offered and has the holding power of a much heavier tent stake. It’s simply the worlds lightest USEABLE titanium tent stake.

The Ti-Eye is a 6″ long Titanium eye tent stake built using a piece of 2.95mm 6AL-4V with a weight of 5.4grams. It is designed for medium-hard soil. It’s a titanium eye tent stake similar in size to the 5.8 gram Vargo UL shepards hook but with an eye instead of a hook. Some of the benefit’s include not worrying about your stake turning and the cord coming loose. Also in hard ground the Ti-Eye’s drive easier with less chance of bending due to the eye being centered over the stake.

Stakes are painted using a two-part safety orange epoxy paint. It has very good durability but over time can come off. Introductory Pricing will be $2.00 Each and will be available to ship Jan 14th.

(This is the 1st post on Hammock Forums regarding these stakes and was posted on 12-30-10.)

These are very interesting, and I have been telling myself that I want to try a lighter stake set, and these may just be the ones that I try. He has stated in another post on into the thread that these will be available on the Mountainfitter.com site a day or two before his target shipping date of January 14, which is when payment can be made for them as well. Also, he is currently offering free shipping on all domestic orders over $10.00, so this would be a great time to pick up a few of these Corkscrews and give ’em a spin!

EDIT: He also has a thread going at BPL. He posted today that the stakes should be up on his site (Mountainfitter.com) tomorrow around 5 pm (EST). Also, there will be a limited amount of the 2.95 mm rods. Once these are gone he will be replacing them with a 3.175 mm rod which will be a little heavier but also stronger.

About Stick

My blog is essentially a record of my hiking career. Through it, I, and others, can see how I have evolved from a heavy weight backpacker, to a smarter, more efficient, lightweight backpacker. Through the use of video, still photos, and of course writing, one can see my progression, as well as check out some of the places I hike, and not to mention some cool, lightweight gear options. For me, my blog is a journal, but for others, I hope that it is an interactive learning tool to aid them in their own progression towards lightweight backpacking.
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13 Responses to Ti-Eye & Corkscrew Titanium Stakes by Mountainfitter.com

  1. Pingback: PHGT: October 2016 Mt Roger’s/Grayson Highland Hike | Stick's Blog

  2. Trailtweaker says:

    I for one am a beginner in the hiking and the backpacking world and express my support for Stick’s Blog. While some may remark of xp deficiencies in the media placed throughout the Blogosphere of Stick, i trumpet the great resource of info I find that allows me in my study and research for the next best thing to aid myself in my hiking adventures.


  3. Pingback: Mountainfitter Ti-Eye Stakes & Dyneema Guywire | Stick's Blog

  4. Jason says:

    Man, I am not in the mindset of thinking in grams yet, so I looked up what the grams would be in terms of ounces.

    5.4grams = .19ounces

    3.0grams = .11ounces

    The stakes that I have been using lately are the:
    Coghlan’s 9″ 3-sided stake: .7oz and the
    Generic 6″ 3-sided stake: .5oz

    These Mountainfitter stakes are something to consider.


    • Stick says:

      Jason, yes indeed these stakes are worth considering! I want to get 6 of each and mix and match them with my new Lunar Duo. However, at the moment he is sold out (at least according to his website). I will wait a few weeks before I order any.
      I do believe though that the next batch of stakes will be slightly heavier. Something about not being able to get the same size titanium rods. He made mention of this in a thread going in the BPL site. But still, they will be much lighter than my current MSR Groundhogs, and depending on the type of ground, the corkscrews look promising.


  5. Joe says:

    Keep it up Chad! Looks like the Captin of messages boards was just having a slow day at work. It’s good to have views that are outside mainstream media.


  6. Captain Obvious says:

    Something for you to ponder about “tact” in the blogger world. Going to maintream websites (i.e. BPL) merely to plug your personal blog which screams of limited knowledge and experience is – tasteless. It’s like walking into McDonalds and selling bad doughnuts. Think about it. If your site has anything worthwhile, people will find it. One way to guarantee yourself less readers is to waste the time and resources on other websites while slapping their readers with your information. Go out and get something more than a little experience, figure out that your videos with wrong stats, misquotes, and general sloppiness are a waste of time, and come back with a better product that people want to visit and you won’t needs to play the juvenile game of trying to force people to see your remedial blabbering.


    • Stick says:

      Captain Obvious,

      Thanks for checking out my blog, and even more so for leaving a comment.

      That said, I do understand that I do not have near as much experience as most others out there (especially at BPL), and I do understand that my lack of experience is reflected in my writings as well as in my videos. I have even made mention of this in a few posts. However, just because I am not the most experienced, or the best writer or even the best actor on camera I do not believe that that means that I do not have the right to voice my opinion on my own blog, nor to share my experiences with others, even as links on other sites. As well, I am making efforts to become more experienced, a better writer as well as a better on screen speaker…

      Next, I hope that you are not the face of BPL, and if so, I will gladly remove myself from the site. I did not think that my entirety had to be of the elite status in order to join, make posts, or even to include my own blog in the section of the forums which is for people to post their personal blogs. I did not join BPL merely to plug my own personal blog in. If you will notice you will see that I have also been an active member in the forums since I joined, granted that was just a few days ago. I actually feared even putting this up and decided I would not do it simply because I have seen other people do the same in other forums (except they were not active members in other sections of the forum ~ Spamming maybe) and I saw the way it was frowned upon. Although, when I noticed the section in the BPL forums specifically for people to post this type of stuff, I decided I would do so. But maybe I was wrong…

      I joined BPL because I had finally dropped my pack weight down to the light weight status. However I was still looking for help and I figured that BPL would be a great place for me to do so. I wonder now though if that thought process was right though. Don’t get me wrong, I do see some nuggets in your post, which is basically get it right and my blog will speak for itself. I appreciate that kind of honesty. But I would like to point out your “tact” in which you went about telling me this. It was, IMO, rude, arrogant, and simply tasteless. I am not playing juvenile games, I was simply trying to be a part of the community at BPL.

      I also wonder why you did not post this comment on the thread at BPL rather than here at my site. Are you this arrogant with all your replies? I wonder if the rest of the BPL community feels the same way…

      Thanks again and please do try to have a wonderful day,


    • Jason says:

      Wow, Captian Obvious obviously has no real tact.

      Chad, keep up the good reviews. Your reviews are down to earth, practical and genuine. There are always the airchair elitist out there. I too, hope BPL is not made up of such personailty types. If so, did I want no part of it. I gonna assume the Captain is a very small minority of the representaion of BPL. Typically, people that feel threaten tend to lash out.


    • Stick says:

      Thanks for the kind words Jason. And I too hope that he doesn’t speak for BPL, and I feel like he doesn’t. Although, I have been very hesitant about posting much over there…


  7. Oh man! It looks like the beginning of a long and beautiful relationship for a gearhead like me. Thanks Stick!


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